Scorpio Dances – BDSM & Choreography
Still from Sonata (2015)
The term BDSM generally refers to practices involving some combination of Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism. Sometimes called the “dark side” of sexuality, these practices have the potential to re-frame something generally perceived as “negative” into something that can raise energy levels, feel life-affirming, and even at times touch the sphere of the healing or the spiritual. They can also more simply be practices of bringing explicit awareness to patterns around power and hierarchy that infuse our daily life and work.
In dance training, we often already experience, whether consensually or not, notions of “pain” and “discipline” that are slightly off-center from the rest of society. In choreographic processes, hierarchies can play a more or less conscious role. In this workshop, we will zoom in to these dynamics. We will take a somatic approach to intense physical sensations and power dynamics, and work very, very slowly indeed. We will center the boundaries of all involved. Exercises around consent will be an essential part of the workshop and a “no” is appreciated and valued as much as a “yes” or a “maybe” or a “i need time to reflect on this”. At the same time, our (constantly shifting) boundaries are an essential element of our (constantly shifting) identities, and an awareness of our own and others’ is fundamental to an ethical way of collaborating. As Judith Plaskow points out, “Our boundaries are where we meet”.