Embodiment & Desire
with Dr. Christian Meier

In the somatic world, there is often a blind spot when it comes to exploring the reproductive (or “sex”) organs, while in conscious sexuality practice there is often lacking the anatomical & embryological knowledge to deeply dive into an embodied movement exploration of this area of the body, that carries so much history, fear, & potential for pleasure.
Is there in fact anything “sexual” about exploring the reproductive organs somatically? Or is it the least sexual system of all to explore? What comes up for us when we move & are moved by this system?
David is a dancer & choreographer who has been working on questions of Desire, Boundaries, & conscious sexuality for the past decade, & Christian is a medical doctor who has been exploring & teaching Body-Mind-Centering for many years. This open-ended laboratory is a meeting of their two practices & common questions.
In the workshop, we will do some simple exercises around boundaries & desire. We will also include exploration of our structural-anatomical “conditions” as well as physiological processes, working with the tools of Body-Mind-Centering. Images of anatomy serve as maps for inner travel, precise perception is supported by moving explorations & touch. Besides the anatomical experience of skin, the digestive system, & the sex organs, we will engage with the embryological development of these systems as a base for developmental processes & spaces of potential.
All proposals will be fully clothed, & the personal boundaries & comfort of all participants will be centered at all times.