Social Sculpture
Friends & Lovers
interactive performance / party/ social sculpture
Friends & Lovers was a gathering hosted at my apartment roughly every two or three months from Fall 2010 to Spring 2013. Although ostensibly a party, it involved a common starting ritual, & evolved into something of a performance with constantly changing roles of performers & spectators.
It also related to my definition of “choreography” as being about opening up spaces for events to occur.

“Dear …
You’re invited to our place for dinner! & an evening of sensuality & open heart chakras. Saturday, 8pm at our place.
In the society we live in, there’s a tendency to attempt to keep friendships & romantic/sexual relationships as separate as possible. We believe that there are many more possibilities than just being “friends” or “lovers”. & our richest relationships have been with friends who were lovers, & with lovers who were friends.
If You’re invited to this social experiment/dinner party, it’s because we think You’re beautiful & would really like You to be there.
The problem with many “sex parties” is that it’s about ACTION. Getting together with people who want to experience certain things. & while there’s definitely space for that, we’ve found it’s less important to us WHAT happens, & more important WHO is there. (even if it ends up being “just” dinner…)
So please join us for this installment of the “Friends & Lovers” party. Bring a friend who You always were curious about as a lover, or a lover who You always wanted to become friends with, or come alone. We’re looking forward to You!
Much love, many friendly kisses,
Federica & David”
David Bloom
Federica Fiore