Dear Dance Fans,
This may come as a surprise to those of You who have known me for some time, but as i sit writing this from the privileged comfort of my Berlin apartment, i am, for once, at a loss for words to describe my heartbreak in these dark days. Staying silent in the face of the violence being committed in Gaza, and the subsequent silencing of Pro-Palestinian voices in Germany, even in one’s dance newsletter, doesn’t feel like an option. I only want to remind everyone that the work we are doing, as artists, as somatic practitioners, as humans invested in shifts of perspective and consciousness, is a starting point (i go a bit more into this in Claire’s podcast, see below), not any sort of solution in and of itself. We can only use the incredible tools at our disposal as a basis, as support to create community that then goes beyond the studio/stage/performance space and speaks witness to the injustices being committed, partially in our names! The argument that the existence of the modern state of Israel somehow makes life safer for Jews in the world is total crap – i have never felt so unsafe in my life! I share a photo of my beautiful mother, Sara Gothelf (with the red beret), during her regular vigil near her home in Sunset Park Brooklyn, and hope that i can live up to the values that she and my father, Dr. Steven Bloom, both of Brooklyn, NY, did their best to instill in me. Ceasefire now and make it permanent!
Okay, i’ll admit, that was a few words. But now, because it’s my job, and because i would love to see You there, however inappropriate it may seem, given everything else that is going on, here are some upcoming (and current) events in the dance world. Things have slowed down a bit in the outside, as i am now more fully focusing on PhD stuff, reading and writing, which i find extremely enjoyable. Currently digesting Natalie Depraz, Mary Daly, and of course, my dear Martin Buber (this is a Jewish thinker You should fucking read, Israeli government! Sorry, getting back to the dance news now…). Here are some offerings coming up in the near future:
Next week! Monday January 22 and Wednesday January 24, from 2pm to 5pm both days, i will be facilitating workshops on Boundaries & Desires – two of my favorite topics, as they relate to making artistic work and to other things, at Tanzquartier in Vienna. The workshops are, as my description so provocatively puts it, for “anyone who has ever had doubts about their choices while making work.” Monday will focus more on Boundaries, and Wednesday, on Desires, and the two days can also be attended independently of each other. Sign up here!
March 16 & 17, i will be returning to motionlab Cologne to facilitate a workshop on You, and I, and Contact Improvisation, a Buber-inspired take on contact improv. It’s always a pleasure to dip into the Cologne C.I. community. Come!
Also, perhaps in a nod to my theoretical turn, there are actually TWO podcast interviews with me out this week, for those who can’t get enough of listening to my voice:
The first is an episode of Clara Federica Crescini’s podcast COSMOVE, a series of interviews with body practitioners dealing with ecosomatics in various forms. Listen to it (in English) here.
The second is part of renegade performance maker Lukas Matthaei’s project Golden Record Studios, a playful response to NASA’s launch of “Golden Records” into space in 1977, attempting to give a somehow coherent presentation of humanity to potential alien life forms. Read more about the project here, and listen to the episode with me as an “expert” – Dance with an Alien (Spank your Grenzen!) – here. This one is mixed, in English and German.
And sneak preview for the Spring, also in Cologne, or rather nearby: I will be facilitating an intensive on My Lovers, Human and More-Than-Human, at the Touch & Play Festival, happening May 28 to June 2. Hope to see You there!
Finally wishing You a happy, healthy, peace-filled and prosperous new Gregorian year! Hope to hear from You and just give me a minute to respond. Okay?
Lots of Love,
David B.