
Alles Vergängliche at Dock11 and more!

6 Feb, 2022

Happy Year of the Tiger, Dance Fans!

I hope this finds You resilient! 🐯

If You are in Berlin, i would like to invite You very warmly indeed to the second round of live performances of my solo Alles Vergängliche, in dialogue with Gustav Mahler’s 8th symphony & the day’s news headlines. If You missed the live premiere back in November, here’s your chance. If You only saw it online last year at Tanzfabrik’s Open Spaces, come see it live, it’s gotten much better! (not to mention with updated news, of course). If You saw it already, recommend it to all your friends! Shows are next week Thursday Feb 10 to Sunday Feb 13, 7pm at Dock11 Berlin!

Tickets here
Trailer from last year at Tanzforum here
Interview about making at the piece last year, here

Hope to catch You there!

On the weekend of April 8-10, i am very excited to be co-facilitating a lab in Bavaria with medical doctor & brilliant Body-Mind-Centering facilitator Dr. Christian Meier, on Embodiment & Desire, at the Tanzzentrale der Region Nürnberg. We will be looking at the embryology of the reproductive organs & explore what emerges when we work somatically with that system. More information on my page, on Christian’s page, or on the Tanzzentrale page.
Register here.

In March/April, i will be performing in handsome Martin Nachbar’s duet for young audiences (ages 8 & up), Männer Tanzen, mostly in schools, but on April 30, there will be a public show at the FELD Theater at 4pm. I am performing together with the fabulous Kaveh Ghaemi, so come watch us lift each other to the Star Wars Theme, among other highlights!

& for those of You who like (dancing) ballet, i will be putting on my pianist hat & accompanying classes taught by the divine Kevin Quinaou at Marameo Berlin the weeks of March 7-13, March 28 to April 3, & May 2-8Everything is beautiful at the ballet! I’m also playing for the contact improv jam (also at Marameo) the evening of Thursday March 17 (where everything is equally beautiful).

In May, i’ll be off to Vienna to collaborate on a new project by the amazing & charming Michael Turinsky (opening in Hamburg in October), & then in June/July, giving workshops in Zurich, Cologne, & a performance project for Tanzfabrik in Berlin, but i’ll tell You about those next time, so as not to get ahead of myself!
(but the impatient/curious can click on the links…)

Hope to see You here, there, & everywhere!
David B.

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