
Premiere In Hamburg And MORE

26 Oct, 2022

Sending kisses from HAMBURG, You lovely edible people, where we premiere TONIGHT with SOILED, by choreographer, and soccer team Austria Wien’s number one fan, Michael Turinsky. It’s been a truly heart-opening process, and i’m joined onstage tonight by ace performers Sophia Neises and Liv Schellander, as well as by the smoothest of sound artists, Tian Rotteveel, with live audio description by Monique Smith-McDowell. Come! It’s worth it. Performances at Kampnagel run from tonight through Saturday October 29.

More! Shows!November 10 & 11 as part of Tanzfestival Rhein-Main at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm in Frankfurt, and November 14 & 15 as part of the No Limits” Festival at HAU in Berlin.
(Even more shows coming next year in March in Vienna, and in June in Essen)

After that, it’s off to teach at my favorite Inter-University Center for Dance, HZT in Berlin, where i will be giving a seminar in the B.A. program, on choreography as an active and receptive process, titled “But I Could Never Do THAT In A Piece!”, November 22-December 9.

In between, i will be briefly stopping by the P*rnyDays Film Festival in Zurich, where i will be participating in a panel discussion on Sunday, November 27, reflecting on the aesthetics, philosophical implications and cultural impact of the p*rn film festival, organized by the wonderful folx at luhmendarc.

December 12-16, i will be working with students from the B.A. program in contemporary and classical dance at the Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt, teaching them an excerpt from my solo Alles Vergängliche that was shown in Berlin earlier this year and last. Incidentally, i did my own undergraduate dance education in Frankfurt 20 years (!) ago, and the excerpt will be shown next year in February at an event choreographed by alumni of the program, to mark the retirement and celebrate the epic work of Dieter Heitkamp, who has directed the program since 2001.

Sneak Preview! At the beginning of January, i’ll be co-teaching a workshop for the first time that i’m super excited about, with my friend and teacher and collaborator Nicole Berndt-Caccivio. When we first met, in a teacher-student setting, i was about 20 years old, and Nicole was 40. Now i am 40 and she’s nearly 60, and we’ve been in dialogue about dance, teaching, and life on and off throughout the whole time. In this workshop, we look at the process of teaching itself, and what it means to be PRESENT together in the studio. Nicole is an amazing intergenerational facilitator and cranio-sacral bodyworker and will bring all those skills to the space. It’s part of Tanzfabrik Berlin’s Wintertanz workshop series, and registration is already open, so book your place now! (early bird price until Dec 12) 🙂

Sneak preview even further into the future! Stay tuned for the new solo, Nigunim, which will be happening the last weekend of March 2023 at Tanzfabrik (Uferstudios) Berlin. I’m very happy to report the research for this new work is being generously supported by a research grant from Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.

What else? I hope You are all healthy and happy, or finding the hidden moments of pleasure and presence in sickness and sadness; making and nurturing kin, fermenting, celebrating, dancing in your own way. To those i still owe emails to: it may be late, but it’s always coming!

Hope to see You on the dancefloor! ✨
David B.

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