
Alles Vergängliche at Dock11, Body IQ Festival, and more!

16 Nov, 2021

Dear Dance Fans,

I hope this finds You thriving! In these uncertain times, all the following information is בעזרת Corona, as we say, or subject to the whims of the universe.

First off, this coming weekend, November 19-21, is the glorious Body IQ Festival at Somatische Akademie Berlin & environs. There are still tickets available to the whole festival, & the program looks amazing. The festival is attempting to tackle ambitious questions about the complex role of somatics & body-based practices in social, political, & ecological transformation.
I will be presenting the workshop Embodied Fermentation/Microbial Somatics on the Friday at 14:30. We will be exploring the digestive system somatically, discussing the history, politics, & philosophy of fermenting foods, & also exchanging some recipes! As chef David Zilber says, “‘Culture’ & ‘culture’ mean two different things to a biologist & an anthropologist, but in fermentation, they overlap completely.”

Then, a mere WEEK LATER (how does he do it?), i am thrilled to be presenting the LIVE Premiere of the solo Alles Vergängliche at Dock11 Berlin, made (& shown online at Tanzfabrik’s Open Spaces) earlier in the year. Join me November 25-28 at 19:00 as i attempt to dance the uncertainty of the times to Gustav Mahler’s 8th symphony, & play with the news of the day (each show will be different). I am very excited indeed, as this is probably my first presentation of live stage choreography in Berlin in about 10 years (!).
Tickets here. 
Trailer on Tanzforum Berlin here.
Video interview (in english) about making the piece (from February) here. 
Article on (in German) by Hanna Solms about the piece (& other things) here.

Please note, both events are 2G (recovered or fully vaxxed).

So, listen, in December, barring Zombie Aplocalypse &/or Pandemic Pandemonium, the plan is currently to teach a weekend workshop on The Desire of the Space Between at motionlab cologne, December 10-12. Check out the motionlab website or contact them closer to the date to get the newest latest on those plans!

Finally, very happy to report that i was recently awarded a four-month research grant (Initial-Stipendium) from the Akademie der Künste to start work on the NEW solo, which will most likely celebrate its premiere in the fall next year, & will definitely be by far the most JEWISH piece to date! Stay tuned.

Sending love, stay healthy, & stay in touch!
David B.

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