
Winter Premiere & Hello

20 Feb, 2021

Dear Dance Lovers, Love Dancers, etc. etc.,

I hope this finds You fabulous. Or coping. It’s been a slightly, let’s say, unusual year for many of us, & one of the unusual things that happened for me personally was that i made a solo. It’s my first real “choreography” in about 5 years, my first piece for “the stage” in far longer than that, & my first solo… pretty much ever. I’ve been so interested in relationships, desire, boundaries between people for so long that i never understood how to possibly start a solo piece, but in the last two years, several things shifted around that & i actually found (most of) my time alone in the studio incredibly rich, in dialogue with my own history & present as a dancer & as a musician. The solo wrestles with Gustav Mahler’s 8th Symphony & the daily newsfeed, as two attempts to put the whole world into a limited timeframe. It will be one dancer’s attempt to process everything going on & hopefully also a celebration of the day, a performance for these times. Because the text of the day’s news is always incorporated, each performance will be different.

Alles Vergängliche streams as part of Tanzfabrik Berlin’s Open Spaces: Making It Happen on Saturday, February 27, at 18:00 Berlin time (9:00am in Oakland, 2:00am the next day in Tokyo), & on Sunday February 28, 19:00 Berlin time (12 noon in New York, 20:00 in Johannesburg). The link will be here & the videos will be public for 48 hours after the dates. Hope to “see” You “there”!

Lots of love & major respect to everyone at Tanzfabrik Berlin for supporting this project & being a pure delight to work with, as well as everyone who offered tech support, childcare support, conceptual & emotional support. You know who You are!

Sending a hug through the web, dance together soon?

David B.

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