Uncategorized Articles

Spring News

Greetings from Nuremberg, Dance Fans, where i will be performing TONIGHT, in the pumpkin-seed-oil-drenched production SOILED by the magnificent Michael Turinsky! If You're in Nuremberg, come to the EveryBody Festival at Tafelhalle TONIGHT at 8pm! If You're in Berlin,...

Winter News

Dear Dance Fans, This may come as a surprise to those of You who have known me for some time, but as i sit writing this from the privileged comfort of my Berlin apartment, i am, for once, at a loss for words to describe my heartbreak in these dark days. Staying silent...

Tanznacht And Other Fall Items

Shakira at the Superbowl halftime show, or David Bloom teaching a Public Moves class for 106 participants at the ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival this past summer? You decide!Dear Dance Fans, sorting out your autumn wardrobes,I hope You had a relaxing...

David’s Summer News!

nigunim at Tanzfabrik Berlin, March 23-25, photo by Claude HoferDear Dance Fans and those who love them, I hope this finds You all happy and well! This is a big fat newsletter with lots of CONTENT, so i will get right to it, in chronological order: First, the past!...
Winter News

Winter News

Dear Dance Fans, This may come as a surprise to those of You who have known me for some time, but as i sit writing...