HOT HOT Summer News 2022

HOT HOT Summer News 2022

Greetings from hot sexy summery Vienna, Dance Fans, where i’ve been lucky enough to be rehearsing with the most excellent philosopher king & choreographer Michael Turinsky & an amazing group of collaborators. Stay tuned for shows in...
Alles Vergängliche at Dock11 and more!

Alles Vergängliche at Dock11 and more!

Happy Year of the Tiger, Dance Fans! I hope this finds You resilient! 🐯 If You are in Berlin, i would like to invite You very warmly indeed to the second round of live performances of my solo Alles Vergängliche, in dialogue with Gustav Mahler’s 8th...
HOT HOT Summer News

HOT HOT Summer News

Dear Dance Fans! I hope this finds You joyful. Here in Berlin, we have now become one big sidewalk restaurant. It’s nice to see everyone out & about (& showing off, as it is Berlin), & also very surreal. & all of a...
Spring News & Some Online Classes

Spring News & Some Online Classes

Dear Friends, Apologies for spamming You just a month after my last email – trying to keep these to quarterly announcements – but spontaneous times call for spontaneous measures. Nobody seems to be planning anything more than a few weeks in advance at the moment. A...