
HOT HOT Summer News 2022

2 Jun, 2022

Greetings from hot sexy summery Vienna, Dance Fans, where i’ve been lucky enough to be rehearsing with the most excellent philosopher king & choreographer Michael Turinsky & an amazing group of collaborators. Stay tuned for shows in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin, & Vienna, starting in the fall…

Before i left for Vienna, i spent four weeks teaching a seminar on Desire of the Space Between in the “Dance, Context, Choreography” B.A. program at the Inter-University Center of Dance (HZT) Berlin& am very grateful for the generosity & vulnerability that the students brought to the work. In a world oftentimes leaning towards the apocalyptic, it was inspiring to be in touch with the next generation of makers, & sense possible futures of community & care.

& now, the more immediate future:

June 8 to July 13, every Monday & Wednesday evening at 20:00, i will be teaching a performance project at Tanzfabrik Berlin, on My Lovers, Human & Beyond, with an informal showing on the last evening. There are still places available for this nice regular format, so come & join us! I was told i need to advertise more, which is a bit of a challenge with my social media boycott, so if You know anyone who would benefit from what i think are going to be exciting & generative sessions, feel free to forward this information & spread it around!
The sessions will always be preceded by Pleasure – a contemporary technique class – at 18:10, which can also be joined separately (&, as opposed to the performance project, for individual classes). More info & registration here. 

The weekend of June 11 & 12, i will be teaching a workshop on the Choreography of Desire – exploring the space between – for the lovely folks at luhmen d’arc in Zurich, with an optional playspace on the Saturday evening. More info here. If You’re in Zurich, or have always wanted to visit, join us!

In the afternoon of Thursday, June 23, i will be teaching a one-day workshop in Berlin on Embodied Fermentation as part of Floating University’s event (Re-)Gaining Ecological Futures. More info here, & You can register by writing to me directly here.

The weekend of June 25 & 26, i will be teaching a workshop on The Desire of the Space Between at motionlab in CologneMore info & registration here.

Finally, the weekend of July 1-3, i’m very happy to be returning to the heart-opening STRETCH Festival (for GBTQ men* & those who identify somewhere on a genderfluid male-to-nonbinary spectrum), for a very short 90-minute version of My Lovers, Human & Beyond.

Looking forward to seeing You at any & all of these. & stay hydrated!
Lots of Love,
David B.

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