
Autumn News

9 Sep, 2020

Happy September, Dance Fans!

I hope this finds You calm, curious, & inexplicably optimistic. Around here, things have slowly been getting back to some sort of what passes for normal/routine/alleged career trajectory. I’m trying to keep the pleasurable sides of quarantine going, though, such as sourdough baking & questioning whether i need to be running somewhere all the time. In that spirit, i’m actually slowing down to TAKE a workshop for once this week, with the charming & handsome Jonathan Burrows, at Berlin’s notorious LAKE Studios.& yet, tomorrow i’ll be off to Amsterdam to facilitate a workfloor on movement & space for the students at the Rietveld Academie for Fine Arts & Design. Excited to touch base with one of my favorite arts institutions, forever questioning how you can ever “educate” artistic practice. What does it need?The week after, heading on to Hamburg to catch the premiere of young choreographer Marcelo Dono’s work Grind Me at the Lichthof Theater on September 18 & 19. I was Marcelo’s mentor for the process & was touched by his openness & generosity. There may still be a few tickets left, if You happen to be in Hamburg.I will also be putting on my musical hat in September, playing piano for ballet classes (!) once again (for the first time since March), at Marameo Berlin2pm on Sep 16, 18, 21, 23, & 25, for the divine Kevin Quinaou.In October, i am happy to be part of the opening of the IKSK – Institut für Körperforschung und S*xuelle Kultur (Institute for Body Research & S*xual Culture), a new Berlin space in a fabulous location on the river, run by choreographer Felix Ruckert & others. Whatever You may think of Felix (& i’ve thought a large number of different things about him over the years), he has definitely combined choreographic/artistic & conscious s*xuality work throughout his career on a level that few others have, & i consider him to be my artistic grandpa & one of my most important influences, both in deciding what i want, & what i don’t want. I will be part of a series of “Intimate Interviews” & “Expert Talks” throughout the Grand Opening Weekend, October 2-4. It’s free! Stop on by!On a very different note, on October 10 (afternoon-ish), i will be performing in the duet Einfach Tanzen (ages 7 & up), by the talented & laid-back Martin Nachbar, as part of the 10-year anniversary of Uferstudios Berlin.& finally, teaching the workshop Introduction to S*x Magick at the STRETCH Festival for Men* Online, running from October 28 to November 2. The survival of the STRETCH community has become even MORE precarious this year due to the cancellation of several festivals, so come online & support us & experience some great workshops in the process!
& of course, You can ALWAYS find me on Tuesday evenings at 8:15pm at Tanzfabrik Berlin for my regular class Finding the Most Open Question. Due to You-know-what, You need to register online via fitogram if You want to come. Hope to see You there!
Sending lots of love,
David B.P.S. This feels almost clichéd by now, but i wouldn’t mention it if it weren’t necessary. Yes, democracy is a deeply flawed system, but: since we enjoy some of its benefits as well, i think we have a responsibility to participate (while also trying to transform it). So if You’re a U.S. citizen, VOTE. VOTE. Remember, if You feel the outcome of the election won’t affect your life, that may be a sign of privilege. There are many who it will. Have You voted yet?

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